1. If you’re playing Wordle, what word do you start with?! I always start with HEART. Yesterday almost got me!

2. Dying to make these bean and cheese burritos.

3. Can you believe I’ve been rambling Tuesday things so long that at one point I asked what the yellow smiley faces were on people’s phones and how did I get them? YES. Like 10+ years ago I literally asked what an emoji was. Who knew how we (me?) would grow to depend on them.

4. What’s your pro tip? This post and the comments are pure gold.

5. TV things!! Who else started Ozark this weekend? I was SO excited that it was back. Also the beginning flashback of Euphoria!! We learn so much.

6. I read Colleen Hoover’s latest over the weekend and as usual, I read it straight through within hours. Her books get me at the core. I cried through most of it! Pretty sure you can borrow it for free on the kindle app if you have kindle unlimited.

7. How to become an early riser.

8. It’s a good day when you find a rogue bag of christmas chocolate crinkles in the freezer.