It was a big week over here!

Today we celebrated Jordan’s birthday because tomorrow he turns two! HOW?!

But first, last day of school for this boy who looks like a teenager.

Will miss the books the most. HIGHLIGHT OF MY LIFE reading this.

Emilia had her last t-ball game. No more playing in the dirt.

This is my baseball buddy.

And his curls!

Told him I’d get him whatever books he wanted at the bookstore for summer.

How pretty is my mom’s window box?

Had another baseball game for Max.

It’s so fun to watch him!

Photo by Emilia… after playing in the dirt.

My almost two-year old!

We made bracelets this week and birthday cards!

I made my jarlsberg cheese dip.

Eddie and Max went to the pirates/mets game.

Cards for Jordy!

And the cutest cake for my cars/trucks/bus/plane loving babe.

I made some little caprese skewers with my basil vinaigrette.

Post nap and ready to party!

When your siblings blow out your candles…

My mom’s birthday is later this week so I got her this cake! Um, I love it. Inside was strawberry shortcake!

Cutest cousins.

Loved his cake.

Look at my adorable chunk of a niece! I cannot!!!

Now to regroup for the week! Snuggles on the couch for everyone.
