We had such a lovely week!

Emilia had zoo camp this week, which meant zoo fun for everyone in the morning, multiple days.

My little zoo princess.

Really Jordan didn’t know what to do without her this week so August is going to be a rude awakening.

Off to camp, even in the rain.

Lunch at the zoo for this baby boo.

My heart!

He loved it so much.

This was such a fun week! I did one with Max before Emilia was born but this one was a drop off camp. She loved it. Animals are her favorite thing.

Morning peonies.

Wednesday was my mom’s birthday and we had a show that night! (If you’re new, I have season tickets to the PNC broadway series. We get a few for the summer too!)

We saw Anything Goes and it was so good.

Then we all went back to the zoo again with Emilia was in camp.

Having a blast.

This was fun!!

Baby Cooper came too!! It was a boys day.

Trader Joe’s pit stop on the way home.

Emilia and Max made bracelets all week for Eddie for Father’s Day. He seriously is wearing them up his arm. Mad I didn’t get a pic.

How adorable are these cousins!!

I mean…

This was another birthday celebration night and everyone is obsessed with baby Sebastian too.


Just hanging out with a two year old at his annual checkup!

Max had baseball.

And just Elsa folding laundry with me.

P.S. Emilia’s shoes are what dreams are made of!

Today I made a breakfast and dinner feast for Eddie’s birthday!

All his favorite things. It started off with homemade berry pancakes which I don’t think I’ve made in almost a year. I make them when strawberries are in season and they are so good! Along with eggs too. This was a two meal day. Basically brunch and dinner, haha.

Little break in between for some hockey drills.

Then I made smoked turkey sausage with grilled peppers and onions, along with pesto pasta and vegetables for dinner.

Little shishitos to start.

And these grilled garlic bread bites that I made up on a whim. I think I need to share the recipe for these!

It was such a lovely week and we’re finally in the summer zone.