How is it the end of February?!

We had a nice little week.

The kids had monday off from school.

Sourdough pizza dough!!

It was cold this week but still not February cold.

Park fun.

Little baby boy.

They are the sweetest.

She is just the best with him.

Sourdough focaccia, sliced super thin for sandwiches.

Testing sourdough waffles too!

This long little bean.

Thursday night was amazing…

Because I went to see Boyz II Men! I mean, my inner 13 year old was DYING. They were so good.

He said “mama take a picture!”

Now “do a funny face!”

Pretty sure Emilia needs to be my stylist.

We put her hair up in flexirod curlers!

This morning it came out like this.

It was another hockey weekend!

Sneaky babies.

Must find all ways to entertain.

How cute is he on the ice!

My little tween.

Made a big pile of sourdough waffles to freeze.

And tried to make sourdough chocolate chip cookie bars but, eh. You win some, you lose some.