How are we nearing the end of April?!

This week was all sorts of fun!

Always searching for puddles.

And finding the best ones! We had a ton of rain this week.

Some BBQ chicken thighs I made for dinner one night.

My blurry little baseball girl!

My mom and I had a show this week! We saw Company!

Dinner before…

And I got this pretzel margarita that honestly… was terrible. Do not recommend.

The show was good!

The rest of the week we did some party prep because we hosted my niece’s first birthday this weekend.

Her theme was her “berry first birthday”… so strawberry lanterns were necessary!

Also heading into baseball season full swing.

Some bird watching for Jordan.

This made me so happy! I walked into Max and Emilia playing this after school with my mom. I used to do the same thing at my grandparents house!

Best part of baseball for us is hanging with friends!

Little baseball runner.

He looks so old here to me. He looks like Eddie. And my dad!

Then we had Lucy’s first birthday!!

I mean can you even handle the cuteness?!

My SIL got the most adorable cookies.

And we had a blast.

This morning Emilia and I made another big batch of sourdough waffles. Look at her concentration in cracking the egg!

She is such a great helper. Seriously helps me do so much throughout the week and loves it.

Max started a new summer hockey team… how cool is his jersey?!

Jordan was being extra quiet and I couldn’t find him and there is where I found him. #thirdchild.

And a sunny batch of cookies for the week!