Wild that we are 30 weeks into the year!

We had another lovely week and there’s lots of baby spam here.

Like this!

And this! My little glow worm.

Still my favorite lunch. Or breakfast. Or even dinner.

Summer blooms.

This picture makes me so happy! I can’t believe they are mine!

Roasted broccoli on repeat always.

Biggest eyes!

Mini golf date! It was Emilia’s first time.

She loved her pink ball.

And this was perfect because Max has golf camp this week!

Perfect mini golf spectator.

Finished off with a late summer sky.

Oh and ice cream.

The happiest.

A perfect sunflower that makes me think of my favorite perfume at 12 years old.

HOW is he six weeks old?!

Adore his little random smiles.

My favorite girl!

Oh hello lobster fries!

And my boys!

I had a bunch of great photos from today too, but then I got a new phone and lost everything from this morning on. Let’s just say the highlight was the perfect burger at acorn!

Littlest love to finish off the week!