Last week was jam-packed!

It was Max’s last day of school, we had tons of baseball and a super full week of stuff with the kids.

Baby’s first corn on the cob! I am telling you I have an almost identical picture of Max like this. Oh!!! It’s in this post.

I make the best grilled chicken of life.

Outfit goals forever.

He’s such a KID!!!

This poor baby had a fever for a bit last week. I know that most doctor’s say teething fevers are not a thing, but I swear that they are.

Then it was my first baby’s last day of first grade. HOW! Will I ever think of him as anything but my first baby? We connected on a level unlike anything else.

My loves.

She wanted her own photos, which were the best because this romper is everything.

Criss cross baby toes.

Summer fun!

Max had baseball games everyday this weekend!

When I tell you she comes for the snacks… it’s not an exaggeration.

This sky looks ominous but the weather was GORGEOUS all weekend. High 60s, mid 70s, breezy, no humidity, sunny and amazing.

He is the best love chunk.

Max got the game ball at another one of his games!

Then we got brunch!

This is hot bubbly roasted red pepper asiago dip.

Baby’s first brunch… where he got to participate. Ha. We haven’t been out much at all.

Came home and the kids wanted to hit MORE baseballs.

We watched.

Why is he so delicious?

Used the ooni oven to make pizzas on the patio! We did a plain, a roasted red pepper and pepperoni and a mushroom and pancetta.

This morning we did one of our favorite things and went strawberry picking!

Emilia was SOOO into it this year. Really the first year where she understood what berries to grab and got a bunch of good ones.

Meanwhile Max has been doing this since he was 2.

They truly do taste like candy.

I wore Jordan in the baby carrier so I wasn’t bending over and searching for berries…

Just snapping away at everyone else.

We had to stop and get strawberry donuts too.

He will be one in a week and got his first taste of donut today.

They are SO good.

Then we had MORE baseball and this is how we entertained ourselves. Emilia climbed into Jordan’s stroller.

She was quite proud, haha.

And we’re into another week! Time slow down please.