Here’s a peek into our third week of July!

This week was pretty low key! I didn’t even take that many photos. It was just a regular (well, pandemic-regular, you know) old week.

A very zoomed in pic… but I mean I can’t take how hilarious it is watching t-ball. It’s equal parts watching paint dry and endearing. The amount of kids that end up sitting down in the outfield, playing with dirt, dancing around – it kills me! So funny and cute.

I got an enormous watermelon this week. Like HUGE. It was such a good one too!

I made my watermelon salad wedges with half of it. Yum.

My spirit animal!

One of their favorite things to do – painting at grandmas.

The colors get me every time.

A boring, predictable yet delicious and satisfying breakfast: multigrain english muffin + barney butter. Oh plus sea salt!

Max watched ghostbusters for the first time this week… so this is them as ghostbusters. I’m dead.

Taco salad!

My little loves.

Sometimes on Friday nights I just fold a ton of laundry. Def one of my most hated chores.

Cupcakes for my niece’s birthday. She turned three! WHERE IS THE TIME GOING.

Emilia is more into this than Max.

He would probably like it more if it wasn’t 97 degrees out!

Marinated tomatoes… in olive oil, red wine vinegar, salt, pepper and garlic.

Grilled sourdough with garlic chive butter.

Our typical sunday night veggies! We are so obsessed with these. Just olive oil, a drop of balsamic vinegar, salt and pepper.

The tomatoes went on top of burrata. I could eat this plate forever. And basil from my herb garden!

The perfect summer dinner! I put the TJ’s elote seasoning on the corn… oh my gosh. I dream of this summer meal!

Summer bounty! Our neighbors gave us amazing cucumbers and zucchini and banana peppers and jalapeños! It’s going to be a delicious week. xo